Considering Lent

Considering Lent

      Lent | Ancient Tradition & Apostolic Freedom A “Moveable” Fast The Lenten season is one of the oldest elements of the Christian calendar. Though its development is complicated, Lent is undoubtedly ancient. As early as the 2nd century, Irenaeus...
Isaiah: The Gospel of God’s Holiness

Isaiah: The Gospel of God’s Holiness

Isaiah: The Gospel of God’s Holiness The Book of Isaiah is a masterpiece of ancient literature and a supernova of divine revelation.  As ancient literature, many aspects of Isaiah’s prophecies – both in content and in form – are only understood...
Junia and the Apostles

Junia and the Apostles

Whether in genealogies or epistolatory greetings, most of us probably skim through name-lists in reading our Bibles. Like the credits at the end of a film, they seem not only tedious, but entirely inconsequential to us. However, as those who’ve traced Messiah’s long...