Sermon Questions

Oct 20th – “The Wrath of God Revealed” (Romans 1:18-32)

  1. Read Romans 1:18-32. What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “wrath of God”? What does God’s wrath do according to this passage?
  2. Read Psalm 19:1-4 and compare with Romans 1:19-20. How have you experienced God’s glory in creation? What has it shown you about God?
  3. How does our idolatry (“exchanging” the Creator for created things) degrade us as image-bearers? How have you experienced the dignity Christ restores to us?

Oct 13th – “The Good News of the Righteousness of God” (Romans 1:8-17)

  1. Read Romans 1:8-17 together. In v.16, Paul says he’s not ashamed of the gospel. Why might someone in his context be ashamed? Where are you tempted to be ashamed of the gospel in your life?
  2. Paul says that in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, or “effectively at work,” by faith (1:16-17a). Where have you seen the gospel “effectively at work” in ways for which you are grateful or even awestruck?
  3. Not only is the righteousness of God that saves us “operative” by faith – and by faith alone – but it also yields a life of faith (1:17b). This is the righteous life; it is “the obedience of faith” (1:5; 16:26). What does living by faith mean to you in your current season? 

Oct 6th – “Romans: Opening The Letter” (Romans 1:1-7)

  1. Read Romans 1:1-7 together. Paul repeats the word “call” 3x in this passage. Who is called? To what are they called? To what are you called? 
  2. Read Romans 1:5 and then read 16:26. What does “the obedience of faith” mean? (Hint: see 16:19; 15:18-21; 6:16-17)
  3. Read Romans 1:2-4. The “gospel of God” is centered on “his Son.” What do we learn about Jesus here? How are you drawn to worship him by this text? 

Sept 29th – “Redemption” (Ruth 4)

  1. Read Ruth 4:1-12 together. What is the key word in this unit and what does it conjure in your mind and heart? (Cf. Leviticus 25:23-55)
  2. Read Ruth 4:11-12 again and then read Genesis 38 together. What links – both similarities and dissimilarities – do you see between Tamar and Ruth (as well as Judah and Boaz)?
  3. Read Ruth 4:13-22 together, then read Ruth 1:19-21. How would you summarize Naomi’s experience of redemption? How is it like and/or unlike yours?

Sept 22nd – “Seeking Redemption” (Ruth 3)

  1. Read Ruth 3 together. Naomi, though still grieving in many ways, has gleaned enough hope to seek redemption on behalf of Ruth. Put yourself in Naomi’s shoes. Is there pain/bitterness/emptiness in your heart that you’re wrestling with currently (and that you need the Lord to heal)? Is there anyone that comes to mind for you that you are seeking for the Lord to redeem?
  2. Ruth, an outsider who has gotten a taste of true redemptive community from Naomi and Boaz, is inspired to seek redemption and refuge from the God of Israel. How have you experienced redemptive community at Riverside (and elsewhere)? What areas in your life do you need the Lord to redeem (whether your a believer or not)?
  3. Boaz is profoundly impacted by Ruth’s lovingkindness and character, and, in Naomi’s words, would not rest until he saw to Ruth’s redemption. Praise God that Boaz and Ruth’s descendant, Jesus, did not rest until He secured redemption on our behalf! Can you think of a time where you felt the Lord strongly seeking after you? Who can you (individually and as a group) pray for the Lord to seek after now?

Sept 15th – “Gleaning Hope” (Ruth 2)

  1. Read Ruth 2 together. The focus of the chapter is on Ruth’s risk-taking action to provide for Naomi and herself through “gleaning” (occurring 12x in the chapter). Naming the risks Ruth endured in initiating this action, what risks have others taken to provide for and/or protect you? What risks are you taking or vulnerabilities you’re currently enduring for others?
  2. Re-read Ruth 2:5-16. How does Boaz see Ruth? What actions does he take to care for her? How does Christ see you, and care for you now?
  3. Re-read Ruth 2:17-23. How does Naomi’s demeanor appear to change (note the terseness of 2:2 compared to 2:19-22; cf. 1:20-21)? How does God’s faithful love expressed in Christ give hope to you in your current crisis or challenge(s)?

Sept 8th – “Returning Home” (Ruth 1)

  1. Read Ruth 1 together. The repeated noun, “name,” appears 7x in chapters 1-2, and then another 7x in chapter 4. This points to the central concern of the story. What is so important about a name? 
  2. Re-read Ruth 1:12-17. Note that the word “clung” in v.14 is the same word as “cleave” or “hold fast” in Genesis 2:24. What is remarkable about Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi? Consider this quote from one Hebrew scholar:
    • “Ruth stands alone; she possesses nothing … Not only has Ruth broken with family, country and faith, but she has also reversed sexual allegiance. A young woman has commited herself to the life of an old woman rather than to search for a husband … One female has chosen another female in a world where life depends upon men. There is no more radical decision in all the memories of Israel.” 
  3. Re-read Ruth 1:19-21 and then read 4:14-15. How has God redeemed Naomi’s name? How is he redeeming yours? Re-read Ruth 1:19-21 and then read 4:14-15. How has God redeemed Naomi’s name? How is he redeeming yours?