Our Ministries & Teams

Riverside Kids

Riverside Kids exists to make maturing and multiplying disciples who increasingly believe who they are in Christ as they intentionally endeavor to know the Gospel, grow in the gospel community, and live on mission.

Student Ministry

Student Ministry is a discipleship community of high school students from 9th – 12th grade who gather together regularly to know God and make Him known. Student Ministry seeks to help make disciples and prepare each member to know God, grow in gospel community, and live on mission.  Student Ministry is a community of disciples becoming disciple makers.


Crossroads is a discipleship community of middle school students from 6th – 8th grade who gather together regularly to know God and make Him known. Crossroads seeks to help make disciples and prepare each member to know God and be a disciple maker.  Crossroads is a community of disciples becoming disciple makers.


The hospitality team lives out the good news of Jesus Christ by serving the body, as well as people who may not be followers of Jesus yet. We aim to do this through the power of the Holy Spirit, not our own. Our love for God enables us to love and serve each other well in practical ways, like making coffee and making the church a welcoming place. The hospitality team seeks to help make connections within the body and encourage the body to do the same with newcomers.

Building & Grounds

Coming Soon

Global Missions

Coming Soon

City Missions

Coming Soon

Men's Discipleship

Men’s Discipleship is called to invest in the men God has placed at Riverside, helping them to mature in Christ and learn to make disciples of those who are not currently followers of Jesus. We dream of healthy men deeply connected to God, their families, friends, small groups, and our church using their strength and energy to impact our city and world for the Gospel.

Women's Discipleship

Women’s Discipleship exists to disciple women to love, follow, and obey Jesus as they serve Him with who they are, what they have, and where He’s called them. To be active image-bearers and co-heirs in the Kingdom of God as we fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and Greatest Commandment(s) (Matthew 22:37-40).


College Students

College Discipleship is a discipleship based community of college-aged students who gather together to know God and make Him known. College Discipleship seeks to help make disciples and prepare each member to know God and be a disciple maker. College Discipleship is a community of disciples becoming disciple makers.


Coming Soon

Sunday Worship

Our worship and audio/visual team collectively seeks to foster a worship environment that forms people to be more like Christ, and encourages an authentic response to His Word and His presence. We believe that the Sunday morning worship gathering is a mission field, and that every note sung, chord played, word spoken, sound adjustment made, or slide graphic presented, can be an instrument used to point congregants towards Christ.

Question about our ministries?