Download the App
Connecting with you and understanding your story is important to us as we help you find your place within our church family. Download our church app to discover your next step of joining a small group or a serving team. After the service, look for one of our members with a name tag outside – they are ready to talk and answer any questions. We want to connect with you in the way that works best for you.
Discover Riverside Lunch
Our Discover Riverside Lunch (right after service) is a great place for newer people to ask questions, learn more about who we are, meet some of our church leaders, and understand why we value church membership!
The Water’s Edge Podcast
Just as you might sit, talk and wonder about the Glories of God with good friends beside the relaxing waters of a flowing river, we invite you to sit with us on The Water’s Edge as we talk through a variety of topics and stories for your encouragement, edification and enjoyment. We hope that any conversation you listen to here will continue outside of this podcast, so be sure to reach out to us or someone in your small group to continue the conversation.
Join a Team
Whether you’re passionate about welcoming newcomers, helping with worship, supporting children and youth, or lending a hand behind the scenes, there’s a place for you to get involved. Joining a serving team is a great way to use your unique gifts and talents to make a difference in the lives of others. When we serve together, we create a church family that reflects Christ’s love and care. Come be part of what God is doing at Riverside—join a team today!
Join a Small Group
We at Riverside Community Church use Small Groups as our primary way to participate in God’s plan to make all things new. To be the people of God, on mission to the city He’s called us. Small Groups are more than important to Riverside. They are Riverside. We are a church made up of Small Groups, gathering together to celebrate King Jesus on Sundays, scattered throughout the city during the week.
We invite you to search all of our current groups. Once you find one, you can click “Join” to send a message to the small group leaders to find out more details about the group and let them know you are interested. If you have any questions please contact us.
Attend a Dessert Gathering
Join us as we spend some time sharing and hearing each other’s gospel stories! This is also a great time to ask questions about our membership podcast series.
Membership Interview
The Membership Interview is an important part of our process for welcoming new members into the life of our church. During this interview, we take the time to get to know you better, hear your story, and understand your faith journey. It’s an opportunity to discuss your personal testimony, clarify your understanding of the Gospel, and explore your desires and expectations for being part of our church family. We also consider how you’ve been equipped for ministry through your spiritual gifts and experiences, and how we can support your growth in the coming year. The interview helps both you and our leadership to ensure that there is alignment in our shared commitment to Christ and His church. Ultimately, it’s a time for prayer and mutual encouragement as we prepare to walk together in faith and service.
Share your story (including your testimony)
Tell us briefly what are some of your desires and expectations of the church?
What do you think are your spiritual gifts and ministry experiences?
What are the areas you would like to grow in this year? (How can we help you grow?)
Learn about the membership covenant (Riverside’s expectations of members)
Membership Covenant
The Membership Covenant at Riverside is a commitment that new members make as they join our church family. This covenant reflects the foundational beliefs and responsibilities that unite us as followers of Christ. The questions below help guide individuals in affirming their faith in Jesus, committing to live according to His teachings, and promising to actively participate in the life and mission of the church. It is not merely a formality, but a declaration of our shared dedication to Christ and to one another as a community of believers. These promises also encourage accountability and mutual support as we seek to grow together in faith, worship, and service. By entering into this covenant, new members embrace both the privileges and responsibilities of church membership, and current members commit to receiving them as part of the family.
Do you acknowledge yourself to be a sinner in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope except for His mercy and grace?
Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the gospel?
Do you now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ?
Do you promise to participate in and support the life, worship and work of the church to the best of your ability?
Do you submit yourself to the government and discipline of the Church, and promise to promote its purity and peace?
The last question is addressed to the current Riverside members in the congregation.
Do you receive these new members as family members that you will pray for, encourage, share life with in all patience, joy and affection, and so honor the command of Christ that we love one another?